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Windows 11 CLSID Key (GUID) Shortcuts

A CLSID is a globally unique identifier that identifies a COM class object. This tutorial will show you a complete list of GUIDs from the CLSID key in the registry that can be used to create shortcuts to directly open items with in Windows 11.

How To Measure Windows Startup Time (and Fix It)

In computer science, speed is always the most important parameter, and it is the one on which software and hardware developers strive to improve their products. Microsoft, for its part, has significantly improved the startup speed of a computer running Windows, particularly when the hardware requirements are met.

Create a Shortcut to Quickly Edit Your Hosts File

Quick and simple fix for hosts file editing issue. Simply configure the attributes of the shortcut to always launch as Administrator and you can modify the file in Notepad. The last step is to create that shortcut so it can be accessed with just one click from the Start Menu, Desktop, or other location of your choice.