Portable MiniTool Drive Wipe v5.0



MiniTool Drive Wipe Portable is a partition and disk wiping software. MiniTool Drive Wipe works with any hard disks (HDDs) that Windows recognizes, including IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB external disks, Firewire disks, and so on. MiniTool Drive Wipe is really simple to use. MiniTool Drive Wipe is a must-have data wiping software, and data erased by it cannot be recovered by any data recovery software.

You can use it to quickly delete data from a drive or a partition.MiniTool Drive Wipe can securely and permanently erase all data on your selected disks. This function can protect your private and undesired data and prevent it from being recovered by others.

If you delete files from your computer, that doesn’t imply you can’t get them back. Clusters keep bits of data hidden, but there are ways to ensure that a disk drive is fully clean. It can be done in a few steps and through a series of strong algorithms with the help of software like MiniTool Drive Wipe Portable.

Get everything ready before launch

As soon as you start the program, two main options appear. You have the option of wiping partitions or entire hard disks. The support is adequate, with the ability to target both hard drives and external storage devices.

However, be sure you have everything you need before running the app because there is no refresh option to scan for new connected devices, even if you abort and restart a process from the main screen.

Wipe drives or partitions with several algorithms

Whatever option you select, you will be placed into a wizard-driven procedure that will guide you through a number of straightforward steps.
With useful descriptions along the route and advice to shut any running apps for better and faster results, anyone can soon get the hang of it.

Picking partitions and drives to wipe is one of the initial stages. These are listed, including with information such as name, drive letter, and space distribution. Make a backup of crucial files if you don’t want to risk losing them forever. This is also pointed out in a clever way along the route.

You can choose from up to five different approaches, with suggestions about how fast or slow the procedure should be. These are two DoD algorithms with three or seven passes, as well as filling sectors with ones, zeros, or both.



Download MiniTool Drive Wipe Portable

Download – 6.6 MB

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