Portable Portable FUPX (UPX GUI) 3.2



FUPX Portable is an advanced graphical interface for the UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). It allows you to compress (and decompress) files produced according to Microsoft Portable Executable Specification (EXEDLLOCX, BPL, CPL and other), ELF executables, Mac OS X executable files (Mach-OMach-FAT) and other. It offers easy access to all documented and undocumented UPX parameters without the need for command line usage.

The FUPX interface is very simple and user-friendly. To compress executable files, just drag & drop them into main window, select proper profile from list, and click the  button.

FUPX works with the last six versions of the UPX: 3.91, 3.92, 3.93, 3.94, 3.95, 3.96 and 4.0.0. The active UPX version can be set in the program options.

Current version supports 64-bit executable files (Win64/PE), but this feature is declared as experimental.

The most important features

  • Compression and decompression of executable files: Windows Portable Executable files (EXE, DLL, OCX, BPL, CPL, SYS, AX, ACM, DRV, TLB and other), ELF executables (used on Unix, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD and other operating systems), Mac OS X executables (Mach-O, Mach-FAT) and other.
  • Easy acces to all UPX command-line parameters.
  • Displaying detailed informations about compressed files: original file size, compresson ratio, saved space, compression level and other.
  • The ability to filter files based on multiple criteria.
  • Predefined UPX profiles for beginners. Advanced users can define custom profiles.
  • Portability. FUPX does not use system registry and all settings are stored in INI file, so it can be run from portable drives.
  • Shell integration (optional).
  • 100% freeware! – for private and commercial use. There are no limitations, adware, spyware.

Release Notes:

  • Support for the latest UPX version – 4.1.0.
  • Several bug fixes and improvements.



Download UPX GUI Portable

Download – 11.3 MB

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