Portable TheSage 7.50.2804



TheSage Portable English Dictionary and Thesaurus is a professional software package that integrates a complete dictionary and multifaceted thesaurus of the English language into a single and powerful language reference system. TheSage can look up words directly from almost any program (IE, Word, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird,… ).

As its name suggests, Portable TheSage’s English Dictionary and Thesaurus provides users with a complete dictionary and thesaurus that they can use to find explanations for over 200,000 English words.

The main advantage of the application is its capacity to look up words from any program. Just select a word in a third party application (like a word processor, a browser etc.), press the user-defined key combination and the software automatically finds it in its database.

The comprehensive dictionary provides you with detailed explanations of words, displaying its grammatical category, together with a list of synonyms, antonyms, derived words, as well as a famous quote, when available.

In addition, you can use it to search words inside definitions and phrase examples. Searching for semantic similarities helps you create a complete thesaurus, containing synonyms, antonyms, hipo and hypernyms, attributes and more. Any of the found words are clickable, which initiates a new lookup into the dictionary.

Furthermore, the embedded browser can be used to perform online searches on Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Google Define and Google Translate.

All the words you search are displayed in separate tabs, enabling you to easily access a previously looked up definition. The application can suggest results as you type; furthermore, it records the full history of your searches.

The ‘Wildcard’ tool allows you to search for entries that match a certain pattern, which is a combination of letters and special characters (for instance, the ‘?’ symbol replaces a single character). The ‘Anagram’ option searches the index for all the anagrams of a character string and returns only valid English words.

The application is portable, thus it does not require installation and it does not affect your system registry.

Portable TheSage’s English Dictionary and Thesaurus provides users with a handy dictionary tool that can integrate with most of the other applications. The database size, clipboard integration, together with the complete thesaurus makes it worth trying.


  • Comprehensive Dictionary – Multiple detailed definitions (+210,000)
  • Complete Thesaurus – Nearly 1,400,000 relationships between definitions (synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms,…)
  • Example Sentences – A large collection that already includes approximately 50,000 examples of usage.
  • Pronunciations – +70,000 phonetic transcriptions.
  • Information Integration – Each definition has its own specific thesaurus.
  • Cross-Referencing – Any and all displayed words are clickable, triggering a new lookup.
  • Wildcard Search – Match single/multiple characters as well as filter by single/groups of vowels and consonants.
  • Anagram Search – Only valid English words are returned.



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